Publikation „Design for all. Infinite Opportunities. Germany and India 2011-2012″ des Design For All Institute of India in Zusammenarbeit mit EDAD erschienen.
Newsletter January 2012 Vol-7 No-1
Aus dem Inhalt:
Guest Editor (Dr. Peter Neumann)
Design for All – Experiences from Germany
Economic prerequisites of the concept of Design for All (Dr. Rüdiger Leidner)
Design for All in Germany – a claim has to be put to reality. A Designers view (Boris Buchholz)
The (older) user in mind: „Design for All“ from a German perspective (Mathias Knigge)
Intelligent Furniture: German SMEs improving their Design for All competencies (Sonia Carpinelli, Manfred Heilemann, Constanze Unger)
Health Tourism for All – experiences from Germany (Andreas Lorenz, Peter Neumann, Kai Pagenkopf)
Design for All – Berlin for All (Ingeborg Stude)
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